
Criminal Compensation

Adam Court is a Law Society Accredited Personal Injury Specialist and heads our Compensation Department

Criminal compensation is the area of law where people who are victims of an act of violence can claim compensation as a result of the act of violence. The Victims Compensation Scheme was established to assist victims of crime. The scheme is run by Victims Services which provides victims of crime with counselling and compensation.

In order to obtain any compensation it is necessary for Victims Services to assess your application and make a determination as to how much compensation to award you. The act of violence must first be established before any compensation is awarded to you.

The Act apportions compensation and dictates the amount of compensation that will be awarded to you. There are not many solicitors in New South Wales who practice in this area of law and it is important that you speak with an expert in the area.

You do not pay any legal fees for a claim for compensation under the scheme as solicitors’ costs are covered by the Act and paid directly to the solicitor by Victims Services. We are paid the scale fee in accordance with the Victims of Crime Act and regulated by Victims Services.  You only pay for obtaining a medical report if required.   If you have paid for a medical report and you claim is unsuccessful, except in very extreme cases, Victims Services will refund the cost of the medical report to you.

There are STRICT TIME LIMITS that apply to these types of claims.

FOR OBLIGATION FREE telephone advice or to arrange a FREE, NO OBLIGATION appointment a with

Adam Court, Accredited Specialist:

Call 1300 734 737 

or complete the form on the website and we will return your call.

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